Maximilian Franz
Maximilian Franz
This is a major project and will be postponed for now for the sake of finishing the first fully functional an documented version of JustCause.
Hey, thanks for reporting the issue! Unfortunately, both me and @FlorianWilhelm are currently not working on the package anymore. However, if you have a solution for the above bug (by...
Probably a more stable variant to find the path of the gmsh executable during runtime is something like: ```bash >>> import subprocess >>> import os >>> cmd = "which" >>>...
Adding to this, the following defaultdict typing also is not possible: ```python class ModelWithDD(BaseModel): some_dict: DefaultDict[str, List[int]] dict_as_default = defaultdict(list) dict_as_default.update({"some_key": [1, 2, 3]}) instance = ModelWithDD(some_dict=dict_as_default) assert isinstance(instance.some_dict, defaultdict)...
She describes her response surfaces in section 4.1
Awesome, thanks for getting back to me so quickly! That's interesting. I'll look at this in more detail, as there seems to be a problem of reproducing results throughout different...