Maxim Mazurok

Results 88 issues of Maxim Mazurok

We need to find a way to publish new APIs to DT and unpublish obsolete APIs. also needs to be checked and updated when adding/removing API. For starters, I...

help wanted

It shares a lot of common with src/app.ts

help wanted
good first issue

Instead of this: ```js await gapi.client.analyticsreporting.reports.batchGet({ resource: { reportRequests: [/*...*/], }, }); ``` we want to use this: ```js await gapi.client.analyticsreporting.reports.batchGet({ reportRequests: [/*...*/], }); ``` First, we need to investigate...

help wanted

Our `formatPropertyName()` function doesn't handle `?` in property name, which may result in ```ts interface AddChartResponse { /** The newly added chart. */ embedded?Chart?: EmbeddedChart; } ``` _Originally posted by...

help wanted
good first issue

All deployment happens in [auto-generate]( we generate types, we lint them and in case if everything went well - we deploy them using [peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v2]( We should upgrade to `v3` and...


Here's [an idea]( that we might benefit from using modules instead of namespaces. Let's give it a try and see how it will workout.


Getting this error when trying to use programmatically with node v16.3.0 and npm 7.15.1

I have the following markdown header: `## Step 4: Activate Data Filter` It gets `id="step-4%3A-activate-data-filter"` In VS Code recommendation doesn't include colon: ![image]( But even if I add a color...

Optimizes `/(\]|a|[12])/` into `/([12]a])/` which isn't correct

It would be great to add CLI option to output to file instead of stdout. Something similar to [-O in wget]( to run it like `prettyjson package.json -O pretty-package.yaml` instead...