The internal string representation is changed from UTF-8 with replacement characters to a modified form of "WTF-8" that is able to distinctly encode UTF-8 errors and UTF-16 errors. This handles...
Example: ```sh $ yes 'CC 81' | head -1024 | xxd -r -p >oops $ raku -e 'slurp("oops", enc => "utf8-c8");' Too many codepoints (1024) in grapheme in block at...
Using unique graphemes containing 2 or more code points seems to result in memory complexity that is quadratic to the number of graphemes. Example with 50,000 unique graphemes: ```sh $...
The following piece of code is valid but it is parsed incorrectly: ```javascript async function foo() { await /REGEX/g; yield /DIVISION/g; } function* bar() { await /DIVISION/g; yield /REGEX/g; }...
I'll start by saying that I'm not well-versed in WebAssembly specifications or proposals, but I happened to come across this proposal, and I'm quite interested in Unicode strings and how...