
Results 7 issues of MaxKru

hi, i try to switch from thonny to vsc, i managed to get a program working in vsc which is: """ from machine import Pin from time import sleep led1...

Hi, the basic motion left right steering is mixed "You can adjust these values calibrate the car so that setting a value of 0 moves forward, and setting a value...

hi there, i started my autonomous adventure by using the jetbot from sparkfun, now after being familiar to the basic programming and functions of the jetson nano and its capabilities...

Hello, currently im trying out the given examples, until now everything worked out fine, now when i try to go through the road following example i get the following error...

( hello, im trying to get get a camera working on my jetson nano, waveshare jetracer pro using the B02 board, heres my code: #creating camera class from jetcam.csi_camera import...

Hi, i would like to use the "Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS Module For Jetson Nano" this powersupply is connected via 6 pins 5V 5V GND 3V3 SDA and SCL...

first i tried to get the jetracer runnding using the nvidia-ai-iot 4.5.1 sd card image, it booted and worked kinda, i couldnt get the motors running, in a thread on...