
Results 4 comments of Maurotb

> I have the same issue since I upgraded Traefik to v2. `/healthcheck/` returns `true`. Same problem when update to traefik 2 Workarround # proxy_set_header Connection $proxy_connection; work for me

@Aircoookie i have download 0.12.0 , this enanchements (delay output after relay on) is not present? edit: i see moving this feature in 1.0.0 :( I try this patch

After some debug, i see _rtpEventSsrc is always 0 in call from mobile. This cause the problem.... This variable is set by rtpHeader.SyncSource, there is a problem in parsing header?...

Solved putting un sipuseragent.cs private uint _rtpEventSsrc = 4294967295; instead of 0, and changing this private void OnRemoteRtpEvent(IPEndPoint remoteEP, RTPEvent rtpEvent, RTPHeader rtpHeader) { OnRtpEvent?.Invoke(rtpEvent, rtpHeader); if (OnDtmfTone != null)...