> 冲突 解决啦 @afc163
> @Sheepeer https://github.com/react-component/collapse/releases/tag/v3.4.0 > > 还需要给 antd feature 分支发个 PR。 https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/37419 已加~
same warning, inserted an eye 👁️
> Replacing all existing double quotes into 2 double quotes fixed my problem. `str.replace(/"/g, '""');` Thx sooo much to solve this problem!
Met this error too. But what happend to me is not "import failed" but I received an email which said "Import unsuccessful"
same on windows, now it is 2023
vue version: 3.4.21 This issue accured after I used unplugin-vue-components to load antd-vue components. My config is like this: ``` import Components from "unplugin-vue-components/vite" import { AntDesignVueResolver } from "unplugin-vue-components/resolvers"...
Found the key! Just add importStyle: 'css-in-js' or 'less' to the resolver, it works: ``` resolvers: [ AntDesignVueResolver({ // importStyle: 'css-in-js' importStyle: 'less' }) ] ```
You can try this: `uri: new URL("./some/path.csv", import.meta.url).href`