Andreas Matthies
Andreas Matthies
## Output of `cutechess-cli --version` / `cutechess --version` Cute Chess 1.3.0-beta4 Using Qt version 5.15.2 Running on Windows 10 Version 2009/x86_64 ## How did you run Cute Chess exactly? Just...
Non-regression test: Elo | 1.99 +- 3.56 (95%) SPRT | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=8MB LLR | 2.96 (-2.94, 2.94) [-3.00, 1.00] Games | N: 17838 W: 4402 L: 4300 D: 9136... Hope this ist just a display problem. Analysis needed.
r1b2k1r/1pp1npp1/2qp3p/p7/P2b3P/1P1B1PP1/R4NK1/2BQR3 w - - 0 22 Rubi misses Bc4 (master 28.8.2021, depth 51)... finds it at depth 52 after 16min. Master 22.01.2022 finds it immediately. 5k2/p3r1p1/1p2Bpb1/q1pPr2p/P1P1P2P/4R1P1/2Q5/5RK1 w - - 0...
M24: 6r1/1q2kp2/n3p3/4P3/2QP4/2P2PB1/1p5P/1R5K b - - 1 34 M16: 3b4/8/3p4/2kPp3/4P2p/6pB/pK6/8 b - - 1 66 M15: 8/8/2R5/1p2qp1k/1P2r3/2PQ2P1/5K2/8 w - - 0 1 M13: 3R1rk1/8/5Qpp/2p5/2P1p1q1/P3P3/1P2PK2/8 b - - 0 1 M15: 8/k7/p7/3Qp2P/n1P5/3KP3/1q6/8...
[cutechess.debug.log]( Rubi shows +10 after Leela's 79. .. Bd8 up to move 116. Local reproduction possible with 16 threads and 6-men TB booming to 4.5. PGN: ``` [Event "CCC22...
Two games showing Rubi switching to losing move in time trouble (interrupted search with many threads). Maybe some bad thread voting or incorrect bestmove setting. ``` 322579 >Rubi(1):...
``` Add-on version: v0.5 You are running the latest version of this add-on. System: Home Assistant OS 12.3 (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64) Home Assistant Core: 2024.5.4 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2024.05.1 ```...