Matt Gonzalez
Matt Gonzalez
Hi! I just want to comment to keep track of this issue. I often encounter instances where this feature would be useful and wonder if there's been any progress. I...
Thank you for the discussion! > Do you and tk3369 think that the request is needed often enough to justify complicating stack API (given the example above how it can...
@pdeffebach would something silly like this be acceptable? ``` using DataFrames using Chain macro testrename(x, arg) esc(testrename_helper(x, (arg))) end function testrename_helper(x, arg) t = arg quote $DataFrames.rename($x, $t) end end...
Hi, @pdeffebach. I want to bump this to discuss the design. Should the final version of `@rename` be something like ``` df(old_col1 = 1:10, old_col2 = 1:10) @rename(df :new_col =...
> Yes. I guess rename should allow arbitrary expressions in the RHS so that you can do To make sure I'm understanding this correctly, would the `DataFrames` version of achieving...
Got it, thanks. I currently have the following: ``` @rename df :new1 = begin $("old_col" * "1") end ``` however, arbitrary RHS expressions need to be escaped. Further, arbitrary RHS...
Hi, all-- Have there been any developments on this front? @amol- > There has been some discussions about adding basic analysis capabilities to Datasets, at the moment work is undergoing...
Thanks, @amol! I'm still experimenting but the following worked: ``` import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.acero as ac import pyarrow.dataset as ds def _group_by(table_or_dataset, aggregates, keys): if isinstance(table_or_dataset, ds.Dataset): data_source...
@nosterlu I believe it was added around [version 12]( It's quite fast (maybe faster than similar `polars` aggregations). I hope this functionality continues to be developed!
In the example, ``` stack(df, r"var", :ID, variable_name= :Year, name_value=x -> last(x, 4), value_name=x -> first(x, 3)) ``` why do you use `var_name = x -> first(x,3))` and not `var_name...