Facing the same issue over here.
Yes, the content of the request being received is "something went wrong, let's give it another shot". I would assume that that means Twitter isn't accepting this kind of request,...
Thanks for the response. I'd be willing to take a shot at getting asymmetrical environments to work in Xuanpolicy, or at least helping develop things in that direction, if desired....
I ran the system again, on the newest version. Simple_spread solves on both of them with MADDPG, see attached pictures. I also found an error in xuanpolicy/environment/pettingzoo/ "simple_speak_listener_v4" should be...
I think I figured out what was going wrong - I looked through some benchmarking papers, and MADDPG and MATD3 struggle with the SSL environment. Since you also have implementations...
Thanks - I took a look at the former, but the latter is new to me. Since this repo solves simple_reference well, I think I might be able to figure...