Matteo Gioioso

Results 46 comments of Matteo Gioioso

I agree, there is not clear documentation on how to integrate another Auth provider which is not Google, Facebook or Amazon

@medikoo ok, give me sometimes to check with Cloudformation

Ok sorry for the long waiting. I can confirm that this is not a serverless framework bug, this is Cloudformation. I am already in contact with their support to report...

The AWS support told me that they were able to replicate this behaviour on their side. However they have no ETA for this fix...

@SimonJang They said they would let me know, the case is still open, it has been almost 2 years and still no news

@Khaledgarbaya I think it might be better for `service worker` support

@oliviertassinari if you could add the property would be great.

same issue here `standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"` This happened because I built the image in a Windows environment. I then try to build it...

Just a question, where did you guys pull the number 103 from? Is it the group uid set in the Spilo image?