Matt Muller
Matt Muller
Hi Dromer, We have done quite a bit of development and documentation work. Have a look at the readme on: & Can I ask you to try the...
Hi, No sorry, LedFx is for sound reaction LEDs. We don't have this on the development plan to support visualizers at this stage. Feel free to discuss on LedFx discord...
**Our website** You can download and install LedFx here. **Our Discord community** **Documentation** Installation guides, API reference, and such.
Hi, Can I please ask your suggestion to be on Discord: #feature-suggestions
I would personally like to have all the effects that WLED offers and implement it into LedFx. Maybe separate sound-reactive effects versus non-reactive effects. Are you suggesting an option/slider for...
Linked: #149
Next release LedFx 0.8 should fix this: We have an auto add WLED devices on the LAN network feature on 0.8 I worked on. I have coded it for...
Hey @Neilo61, Are you aware of: We have made a Windows .exe file that makes installing LedFx a breeze (available from If you are using another platform,
Hi @ShiromMakkad, Yes you are most welcome to add new effects. Effects are defined in ledfx\ledfx\effects I would also suggest to have a look at how the rainbow effect works...
There are two effects that look like what you are after, Gradient and Rainbow effect. Are you using version: LedFx The latest version has presets, which allows you...