`me.forw` will autocomplete to `me.forward`, etc
Steps to reproduce: - Open Pierre's shop - Purchase 2 or more bots without closing the menu - All bots purchased will have the same name in the inventory.
Currently whether intended or not, you can place Ore and other such items into the furnace as long as you have coal in the bots inventory. However, you cannot use...
While using `me.ahead` and facing a chest an `inventory` field will appear with a list of maps which include the item name, item count and slot the item is in.
This would encourage the use of multiple bots, bots cannot warp however they do continue to do the task assigned to them even if the player has warped therefor you...
Sending ` "Hello World"` has the intended effect of printing Hello World prefixed by the name of the home computer or the bot Sending ` "/clear"` outputs `Home Computer: /clear`
Bots can currently place items into chests and the mini-shipping bin because it's classified as a chest but cannot place any items into shipping bins. This feature is QoL as...