This should fix #55 as the reset didn't reset the UK spelling for the options (see #52)
This should make ggplot respect the current ggthemr theme palette / swatch and not default to viridis for ordinal factors. Also resolves the issue noted in the `.Rmd` update in...
I've updated the `.Rmd` file to match the changes that have been made to the `.md` file. This has also highlighted an issue with the colour scales for certain charts,...
This should switch out the homegrown r-squared code from textmineR package with the mvrsquared `calc_rsquared` function. As per #84. Tested and got the exact same r-squared from the old version...
I could have sworn there was a project or similar on the main repo that said about making this more in-line with the tidyverse style. I may have imagined it,...