Matin Taherzadeh
Matin Taherzadeh
Image size is the main reason behind this issue. I had the same issue and when I decided to upload small size images for my posts, the problem resolved easily.
Can you elaborate a little bit on your issue? Any piece of code? Anything which might help us to figure out which part you're talking about? for example, which part...
@hafeed06 Actually I tried to do the same thing but since there's no pacakge.json file on the root directory, then that's not gonna be like the regular methods of pushing...
@hafeed06 thanks man. Hopefully I could push both my client and server folders to my Github repository. the problem was the hidden `.git` file located inside my client folder which...
@rua02me No, unfortunately.
You need to pass the props to other components inside the curly braces => {} Something like this: `const Posts = ({ setCurrentId }) => { // Our Code.... }`...
@PamelaCaguana I think you need to destructure the `posts` like this: const { posts } = useSelector((state) => state.posts);
I wish we could see your code to have a better view where the issue exactly lies.
The solution is reading the error message one more time carefully: Can't resolve '@amaterial-ui/core' in 'C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\dailytips project\client\src\components\Posts' That's because we don't have anything such as `@amaterial-ui/core`. That's actually `@material-ui/core`. It's...
@ChrisPG2022 I've already mentioned how to fix that. In the line 2 where you've imported the material-ui/core package, you need to type `@material-ui/core` instead of `@amaterial-ui/core`. That's the issue. Remove...