Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc

Results 56 comments of Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc

Hi Christopher! The two blog posts available give a gentle introduction to the topic, yet provide ample food for thought. Can't wait till you reach the numeric stuff. Just make...

> Anyone has any suggestions on ways to make this automatically from GH whenever I push a tag? @Oblomov I recently [implemented this]( for the OpenCL-SDK. Feel free to draw...

First of all I would like to congratulate @Oblomov on the utility. I arrived at this repo checking the exact `clinfo` Canonical packages for Ubuntu. Second of all, very big...

Can you point towards some "Hello, IPR" code where one could dissect a simple function declaration? ``` // IPR includes #include #include // Standard C++ includes #include #include template void...

I did the same hack to escape @nezorflame suggested and it seems that the agent is connected. ``` ssh -vvv my_remote_end ... debug1: Remote connections from /run/user/1001/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:-2 forwarded to local...

(Because GH doesn't send email/notifications on mentions) People subscribed to this thread, consider contributing to the draft PR by hooking up per-core load reads to the UI.

@gsass1 Thanks for pointing to your working branch. AFAICT the only thing left is hooking the info up to the UI. The provider in this PR is WMI (Windows Management...

@gsass1 I've seen you haven't pushed new work to your working branch. Just wanted to let you know I started tinkering with both displaying the info and reducing CPU load...

I wanted to use the sub-device feature to limit the number of CPU-cores used (pinned pthreads or not) to leave room open for driving the GPUs in the same node....

Thanks, I'm taking that as a starting point. However I'm specifically looking for DX12, as I want to generate DXIL on my own, not through HLSL. (Moreover hooking everything into...