Matheun Struik
Matheun Struik
Same issue here, its like @1337doctor said, i get the same error: Directory is not empty ▶ Initializing Storybook configuration... Install dependencies 📦️ ℹ 🔌 enableModule false 16:31:44 node:events:495 throw...
Would also love to see something like this implemented I let SD generate my tokens for each file, multi brand and multi theme. this results in cli output like the...
What could we use to replace the container while you guys figure out how to tackle the inclusion of the container?
Exact same issue here. When i change and save a file thats imported into my main.scss, the hmr wont update despite the terminal saying the hmr has updated. Whenever i...
Have a look at the following: this should get you started, i got a working nuxt layer monorepo working with pnpm, so with nx shouldnt be that different