Henry Zhang
Henry Zhang
There was an issue with ytdl-core name resolution yesterday around noon. Fortunately, the problem was resolved a few hours ago
> @MatchaOnMuffins bro, can you write a code where the nitro check will be without a webhook? And so that the logs are also displayed Just set `"Use_WebHook"` to `False`
Yes, proxy servers would work, but it would still take forever to generate a working code
> You need private proxies for that, might as well just buy nitro exactly
You need to change your directory to that of the cloned folder. Use `cd Discord-Nitro-Generator-and-Checker` after cloning to switch to the local repository folder. Code execution would only work in...
For the practicality of this script, please refer to #146
> Did u figure out how to do it cuz i still don’t understand Can you describe what issues you were experiencing?
You need to exit out of your python environment to clone a repository.