Mathieu Poliquin

Results 16 comments of Mathieu Poliquin

Someone tried this wheel with Ubuntu 20.04?

My specs: x5660 xeon Ubuntu 19.04 Cuda 10.2 cuDNN 7.6 When I pip3 install, it says the wheel is not supported on this system...

Turns out I have cuda 10.0 nvidia-smi is reporting 10.2 but the actual libs are 10.0 checked with: cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt

Thank you! Is there a reason why it's not included in the API doc? [](

@ChenDRAG Thanks! I will check it out

`pip3 show gym` What version do you see? I got the same error, you can fix it by installing 0.15.4: `pip3 install gym==0.15.4`

Did you try on Linux distro such as Ubuntu? From experience I found performance is much better on Ubuntu (18.04) than Windows 10 for these type of tasks

Got the same issue, contacted Github support and waiting for an answer

So changing @import "{{ site.theme }}"; To: @import 'jekyll-theme-hacker'; But is this the official way now or its a tmp workaround? The docs still says to use @import "{{ site.theme...

Thanks, it works for me. For online github page build only changing @import "{{ site.theme }}"; is needed in my case