I don't use timeshift but it seem you're right, only the ubuntu layout is supported. I'll try if I can provide a solution by providing some more options when formatting...
Can you explain the serious problem? The arch wiki say : > The myhostname Name Service Switch (NSS) module of systemd provides local hostname resolution without having to edit /etc/hosts...
This isn't the answer I expected ... What are the problems if you don't have the /etc/hosts file and it's managed by NSS enabled by default? Try to provide some...
Not sur what you meen by select an option but if this is to check or uncheck item in menu, use SPACE.
You're right, need some update Issue #83 seem the same
Auto part is an oldest code that I need to update.... Just need time or help....
Thanks for your return but in console the size is limited... If you use autopart just press enter...
@spsf64 Ok I tag to possible enhancement but it isn't a priority
I'll try to provide a wizard that replace the autopart section... But for now you can easily use CTRL+ALT+F2 to mount you own parts made frome here... When your parts...
archfi is probably the closest installer to the installation presented in the wiki. But Arch Linux is intended to be a distribution that requires knowing all the ins and outs...