
Results 15 issues of Masuzu

# [Zooey Bot Home Page]( Greetings fellow skyfarers, It is Zooey War time (no pun intended), and also time to grab by the hand (and accessorily protect) your Nier. Not...


# [Zooey Bot Home Page]( Greetings fellow skyfarers, It is this time of the year again, this time featuring the strongest element of 201*8*: Water! ![]( You will find below...


# [Zooey Bot Home page]( Demonstration: see how fast it can be As the quest cost changes depending on the number of runs you did, use the [Custom Raid...


Stop feeling like an underdog compared to your Japanese counterparts, reclaim your rightfully earned red chests and maximize your DPS. ## [GBF Combat Sniffer]( ![image](


Greetings fellow skyfarers! You will find below a configuration to farm the current Proving Grounds Extreme+ mode (or else replace the event URL with the mode you would like to...


GBF Combat Sniffer is a comprehensive multiboxing solution for Granblue Fantasy for competitive and/or enhanced combat gameplay, which allows you to play with several windows open at the same time...


Use the [Event mode]( to automate farming the Cerberus and Fenrir showdowns. The URLs of the raids are as follows: - Cerberus Extreme - Nightmare Cerberus level 60


Greetings fellow skyfarers, You will find below general guidelines to automate the ongoing _Rise of the Beasts_ event and automatically clear both the event raid battles and Extreme modes repeatedly....


Greetings fellow skyfarers, With the introduction of user defined variables in your Lua scripts, you can do something like described below to reuse the *same* script for both AT and...


This pattern can be very convenient to perform specific actions after some boss special triggers. For instance, in the current August 2017 Water Guild War, you may want to use...
