
Results 8 comments of Jussi

Now I recorded the error: ``` ERROR: XMLError: Memory allocation failed : growing buffer from buffers module (code: 2, line: 0) Stacktrace: [1] throw_xml_error() at /home/jube/.julia/packages/EzXML/ZNwhK/src/error.jl:87 [2] macro expansion at...

The Julia process consumes some 9 GB memory before crashing. The resulting Excel file would be around 23 MB.

I agree. But why only horizontal? Vertical too.

At least there should be a possibility to add vertical single axis tracking because it is good in northern latitudes. I suppose follow the sun is much simpler.

For missing values I edit the original function of **dietercastel** as follows: ``` function convert(t::Type{NamedArray}, df::DataFrame; valueCol = :Values) newdimnames = propertynames(df) deleteat!(newdimnames,findfirst(x->x==valueCol,newdimnames)) names = map(dn->unique(df[!,dn]),newdimnames) lengths = map(length,names) newna...

Not really. I believe the documentation of registered packages appears in https://juliapackages.com/ if it is present in the Github repository. And [documenter.jl](https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl) can be used to make documentation.

Yes. We also need to combine legends if a different color and `strokeDash` is specified for series.

I don't know how to make a pull request. But adding `edge_labels` (bool) as new parameter, here is my suggestion: # code added to line 133: # add flow labels...