> Replace can't be read from 3-rd party projects even have high level, so these still live in AdGuard Base if can works after boost. > > it can be...
@chromer030 سپاس از پیام محبت آمیز شما و اینکه مشارکت میکنید. امیدوارم در صورت امکان این لیست رو به دیگران هم معرفی کنید تا فعّالش کنن. حتی کسایی که رو...
> unsupported procedural filters (has, remove, upward), Those are the most important uBO extended sytnax. If you have influence on the development team, IMO you should urge them to add...
AFAIK uBO doesn't do `:remove()` on the elements.
I'm sure he meant "hide". > Ublock Has :others() Operator..Which Keep Only A Selected Element Of A Page And ~~Remove~~ Hide Everything Else..This Is Very Useful For Link Shortener Sites
@w0utert If power profiles do work on your machine, you can write a script to switch between the `Quiet` and `Balanced/Performance` mode every minute. For me it helped making the...
@MrDuartePT Even on quiet mode, I had the occasional problem of fans ramping up. So I used to change power profiles using `fn+q` but it's annoying to do that manually...
> Unreleated question: My fn + q gives no visual feedback and based on this outputs it my not do anything but on the other hand it might do something...