Hello ! Have you solved this issue ? Indeed, even by building well the simplest app and get the apk file, the app shuts down when using it on the...
I succeeded to link files inside the graph view with this "settings.json": ``` { "configuration": { "title": "Markdown Links", "properties": { "markdown-links.fileIdRegexp": { "type": "string", "default": "\\d{14}", "description": "Regular extension...
I guess many people are trying to implement this facinating project on android and isn't succeeding or have low fps. Will it be interesting to avoid the JNI by making...
They managed to use ORB SLAM 2 technique on smartphone + computer server at 35fps : The computer server is doing some CPU expansive tasks of the ORB SLAM...
ARCore managed to run VI-SLAM on mobile device without work done on external computer and got 30-50 fps. I wish I could know how they managed ...
Me too, on my Oppo A94, the app I was building was perfectly working without any drift on Android 11. I just passed to Android 12 and I notice drift...
Coucou !
The problem is that when a folder is moved, the ```workspace.onDidRenameFiles()``` function detects a renaming on the folder and not on the files inside. Thus, in ```handleRenameEvent()``` this part doesn't...
Solved ! You can get the extension (.vsix) from this waiting PR and install it on your own Visual Studio: