Massimo Carpita
Massimo Carpita
> For Altrank, GalaxyScore and BotAssist this has been implemented using the 'originalmaxdeals' and 'allowmaxdealchange' options in the configuration. All these scripts also support filtering based on the 'min 24h...
This was not a critique, I was just answering the previous question from the other user. I guess anyone here agrees that you all are doing an amazing job and...
If you want me to, I can build a public github folder and you can check it from my profile. Let me know if it can be useful. I'm available.
You can now find a public repository on my profile with that. Cheers
I'm sorry guys I've been off to work and it has been a super busy period. Idk whether I'll be able to test the update in next days / week...