Massimiliano Pasquini
Massimiliano Pasquini
Hi @TheUdK, this could be done by moving vCenter credential from Preferences to the LocalStorage. LocalStorage is encrypted and shared only between command of the same extension so is not...
Hi @TheUdK, I have finished to implement the requested feature. Before releasing it I appreciate if you can test it providing me some feedback. You can clone the latest version...
Hi @TheUdK, i have committed a new update on [MassimilianoPasquini97/raycast_vmware_vcenter]( repository implementing this features: - Selecting 'All' view objects from all vCenter Server. - Added AccessoryList on Items for showing...
Thanks you @TheUdK for your help on testing all these new features. I have totally forgot to disable 'Edit Server' and 'Delete Server' when 'All' is selected, now I have...
Hi @TheUdK, thanks for your help, I have fixed all the errors and implemented console tickets on