Masanori Yamada
Masanori Yamada
OK! My experiment did not replicate the accuracy of the paper in cifar10. If I can check that the values match the author's implementation of tensorflow in cifar10, I will...
Just made a PR for a simple spatial transform attack! #82
@zhuhaozh Hi, Fig.1 in the paper experiments the effectiveness of Mine in higher dimensions. Mine is better than traditional method in higher dimension but it has a little error. >...
@zhuhaozh Sorry for my late reply. I confirmed the same situation. I do not know the cause and investigate(^_^) Sorry, I'm busy, please wait a few weak.
If you use only the ``--f`` option as in ```cp.add_argument('--f', dest='flag', type=strtointtobool)``` , it works as expected
I got the same error with fugashi==1.1.2a6 on my M1 mac. For those having trouble with the same error, I will report the version of fuggashi that worked. fugashi==1.1.1 ipadic==1.0.0... too
When implemented in PyTorch, linear_sum_assignment in script does not run on the GPU, which causes a speed bottleneck. For example, in STE, linear_sum_assignment exists in the learning loop, which causes...