Marwen bhj
Marwen bhj
Hello again @SkalskiP and yes, but not specifically. Within the AI available are COCO SSD object detection using rectangles and POSE-Net, I am asking for adding MASK-RCNN or any...
Going back to this, since make-sense is an important tool for me that I use often, and I needed it for a segmentation task that required a coco style json...
This might be late, but can be of use for anyone faced this ``` ResNet18, preprocess_input = Classifiers.get('resnet18') base_model = ResNet18(input_shape=(224,224,3), weights='imagenet', include_top=False) output = keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(base_model.output) resnet18 = keras.models.Model(inputs=[base_model.input], outputs=[output])...
Hi @mdbloice is there a way to have ground_truth() working even if the file names do not match ? in my case the ground truth file names are followed by...
Hi @mdbloice thank you , it did help doing the task needed , yet as I saw in documentation ,this doesn't save the files anywhere , I tried using :...
@mdbloice yes that's what I did eventually , just had to do some workaround with naming . thank you again.