Martin Wickman
Martin Wickman
My data contains a large range of word counts. For instance, there is one word that occurs 1000 times and lots of words that occurs only 20-30 times. This results...
**Describe the issue** When your endpoint returns a model containing an enum, there is no way (that I know of) to add a descriptive text to each possible enum value....
Deploy fails for a function app and I cannot figure out what is wrong. The portal says "Azure Functions runtime is unreachable" The reason is because of an `ArgumentException` being...
I'm trying to understand how and when `clientRetryOptions` and `maxAutoLockRenewalDuration` are used. It's not clear from the docs. What's confusing is when you use [retry policies]( attributes which you put...
When calling `connection.close()` on the wrapper and the rabbit connection is currently down, there is a 5 seconds delay before the connection dies. This makes the nodejs process hang until...