Martin Mystik Jonáš

Results 31 issues of Martin Mystik Jonáš

# Feature request Idea for new check: Few times I encountered bug in my code hiddden by unnecesarry union type. For example there is private class property with type A|B...


Rule ForbiddenParamTypeRemovalRule reports change of parameters even for constructors, where forcing compatibility with parent class constructor is not required and often constructor signature changes (for example child sets some parent...

This is feature I implemented few years ago for Mockista and I would like to know if you would want it in Mockery too. Motivation is than often code use...

Some of our object have public properties accessible only when object is in correct state. If object is in wrong state attempt to read this property raises excetion (magic __get)....

feature request
has pr

Continue of work started by @dg in

I just finished first draft of script that uses PHPStan to satic analysis of compiled Latte templates in our projects. One think I noticed is that {varType} or {templateType} macros...

Version: 3.1.5 ### Bug Description Compatibility of IRow and Row is causing confusion of static analysers even when compatibility files are processed ``` ... expects Nette\Database\Row, Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow given ``` ###...

Sometimes it would be useful to have method to force Selection to refetch data from database. Use case: I have component displaying datagrid. It gets Selection as parameter (somehow prefiltered)...

Version: 3.1.7 ### Bug Description When we use attributte for persistent component ```php #[Persistent('control')] class ControlTestCasePresenter extends Presenter { ``` PHPStan complains ``` Attribute class Nette\Application\Attributes\Persistent does not have a...