
Results 7 issues of MartinJLee

I have a number of places in the firestore and query based on camera and map area. The query results in two very closed areas seem returning very different results....

I have 10+ items in the carousel and 'enableInfiniteScroll' is set to true. When I scroll to the first item from the last item. The rotation animation isn't smooth as...

writeParameterData with { precision:30, scale:15, value:43069.0122916667 } will generate a wrong buffer value. see the unit test. ```javascript it.only('correctly converts 'number' values (Precision > 28 and scale 15)', function() {...

known issue

Thank you for the awesome animation button package. I've very appreciated your effort. Recently, I've noticed somewhat race condition issue, which prevents the animation to work correctly. The following is...

Whenever, grid item move or resize event is triggered, extend grid height, so the user could easily move grid items around.

When the input textbox is empty, the empty suggestion appears then disappears.

I tried to add an all-day event for a day. ``` final event = Event( startDate: eventDate, endDate: eventDate, title: title, allDay: true; Add2Calendar.addEvent2Cal(event); ``` This will create an event...