Martin Elvar
Martin Elvar
@posgarou Thank you for your feedback, i actually ended up creating this lille helper. ``` Elixir def correct_image_path(path) do String.replace path, "priv/static/", "/" end ``` I love your suggestions tho,...
I know that this is a bit late, but placeholder is the value used for input field itself. So after clicking. You can still use the original options, take a...
Any progress on this? @smpallen99 It pluralizes categories to categorys. :/ What is a quick work around?
@sublimecoder Please keep us in the loop, would be sad to see this go. :grinning:
@prem-prakash Maybe the solutions could be, to make a fork - Steve seems to be a busy man for the time being :-)
Hello @davidkpiano, Did some digging, and it would seem that this is enforced by react. Adding touched={ false } to a vanilla input field will yield the same result. So...
Any news on this part? :slightly_smiling_face:
Any status on this @arjan ?