Martin H. Andersen
Martin H. Andersen
I can see that RazorEngine are a moving target. Don't know if you have been working with version 3.1 I have started to write some code but I am not...
Thanks for answering. No size constraints, I just thought the I could use a config set for the common files. As a coder I hate duplication (-: How should a...
@gjunge I will check the AutoSolrConnection, never heard about it.
Could you add what version of Solr SolrNet support in the documentation?
I am just looking at .png icons, am I missing out on something? On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:50 PM, Austin Andrews [email protected]: > A few already exist (checkbox,...
Damn you're fast - Thank's On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Austin Andrews [email protected]: > Added, > > > > — > Reply to this email...