Martijn Bogaard
Martijn Bogaard
df14: e49df004 pop {pc} ; (ldr pc, [sp], Vector35/binaryninja-api#4) Is disassembled as: fff9cf14 04f09de4 ldr pc, [sp], #0x4 {var_4} And lifted to: 79 @ fff9cf14 jump([sp {var_4}].d) This misses the...
Inside the function gen_intermediate_code_internal_a64 the produced translation blocks should be guarded with calls to gen_tb_start / gen_tb_end. For the normal Unicorn addr_end path this done correctly, but in case of...
The rev instruction (rev r11, r11) is lifted to the following LL code: 45 @ 0001070c temp0.d = 0 46 @ 0001070c temp1.d = r11 47 @ 0001070c temp2.d =...