Because some bad browsers still don't support web audio api, is there any feasible way to change to html audio tag?
When the chrome browser is minimized, going back to the live stream will speed up for a while and then go to normal.
Demo > Grouping is two layers can i do three or more layers???
my code like this ```js PIXI.sound.Sound.from({ url: 'xxxxxxx', preload: true, loaded: function (err, sound) { const instance =; instance.on('progress', function (progress) { console.log('Amount played: ', Math.round(progress * 100) +...
我目前只有windows環境 想要用個fmp4格式的直播 nginx-vod-module 有辦法編譯成windows環境支援的嬤
H5低延时播放: ovplay://IP:8801/live/流id H5低码流播放: ovplay2://IP:8802/live/流id 我用推流列表設定 rtmp 是有畫面的 上述兩個需要特別設定什麼嗎 有支援聲音嗎 前端使用的技術是h264前端js解碼顯示嗎 還是透過MSE 抱歉技術觀念比較薄弱詢問一下
Change to zh-tw
I want to do this. I have an idea to hide the card-to-mouse distance through the mask, but a lot of code needs to be written. Is there a more...
I have no set_peer_weight method from the official download. how to add 我看到程式碼有新的set_peer_weight方法 , 官方的module好像沒有 我該怎新增加去 我是windowns環境
文字的大小是不是也會影響辨識結果 字型已經可以知道的情況下 , 怎排除文字大小的問題