Markus Rodler
Markus Rodler
If other people uses wrong dependency version strings (e.g. `*`), then that is their fault. SemanticVersioning FTW. At least I am sure that they can fix their dependencies within seconds...
Well then I see 3 possible ways out of this dilemma: 1. Add a chapter in the PSR Amendments to allow versioning if newer PHP techniques are available 2. Alternatively...
I would like to add, that most of the problems also occurs on WSL:
I've also ran into this issue while trying to lint a source generator in combination with a background worker. It took some time to investigate this issue but now I...
@dotnetjunkie I agree with you that Data Annotations are not the silver bullet to handle all validations, but unfortunately in my opinion your Validator approach isn't either. The reason is...
Well I can understand that the approach can work if trained accordingly and various checks are made. But I just wanted to show the dangers that can happen. I'm glad...
For sure. I'm also glad that we can have a open conversation. In the end, everyone can only win. In principle it is like this dummy code (CQRS + ES):...
```C# public sealed class TitleValueObject { public string Title { get; } public TitleValueObject(string title) { var trimmedTitle = title.Trim(); EnsureTitleContainsAtLeast2Characters(trimmedTitle); Title = trimmedTitle; } public static new TitleValueObject Create(string...
After creating the value object `var newTitle` from above (articleTitleDatabase would be a third parameter in the `Handle` method: ```C# articleTitleDatabase.EnsureTitleIsUnique(newTitle); ``` `EnsureTitleIsUnique` method within `ArticleTitleDatabase`: ```C# public void EnsureTitleIsUnique(TitleValueObject...
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