
Results 12 issues of MarkSwanson

I need to add quantum mechanics into the mix. Planck's constant is 6.62607015 × 10−34 joule second. I've looked at a few arbitrary precision libraries but I'm not sure which...

Edit: actually, just try to compile the rust-compression crate will fail using: cargo build --target thumbv7m-none-eabi Add compression to a no_std crate and compile for an arm micro controller like:...

## Information **VIM version** PASTE JUST THE FIRST TWO LINES OF `:version` HERE. VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled May 10 2018 16:58:20) Included patches: 1-1809 Operating...


**Describe the bug** trust-dns does not correctly support 'ping'. **To Reproduce** 1. configure trust-dns for zone @ IN SOA ( 199609204 ; Serial 28800 ; Refresh 7200...

With an older version of Hyper using OpenSSL I could do something like this: ``` if let Some(sslstream) = request.ssl::() { let ssl: &Ssl = sslstream.ssl(); let peer_x509: X509 =...

My Cargo.toml has: num-traits = { version = ">=0.2.0", default-features = false } My crate fails to compile when I build it like this: cargo --verbose build --target thumbv7m-none-eabi (What...

You talk about bytemuck problems with #[repr(C, align(16))] here: This might be solved as per: Just a FYI. Thanks for your excellent 'learn-wgpu'!

Hello, It would be _great_ to have racer work with capn proto generated Rust code. I _think_ this is an include!() problem. You can test this for yourself like this:...


Just a few minor changes required.

*snap* Firefox has its own /tmp directory now. *snap* Firefox no longer sees the real /tmp directory - so it can't find the plotly generated HTML file. Firefox 119.0 Ubuntu...