Mark Redeman
Mark Redeman
> 1. Test isolation / localised failures - one broken component leads to one broken test Does using doubles instead of concrete instances of a value object really lead to...
The failing test is due to #8.
Yes it will work when the parent class has protected properties, however the child itself can't have private properties [see `it_does_not_serialize_private_properties_of_a_child_class`]( I think it is fine to have protected properties...
Ah yes if you move the trait to child then it works if the parent has no private properties. You do need to be careful though that the `Serializable` trait...
Hi, I saw this issue and since you are prioritizing security I wanted to share this article: [hacking with latex]( I'm not sure whether you're familiar with the article /...
It would probably depend on your use case. Your tweet seems to have disappeared, so I don't know the original motivation. I often reuse a `preamble.tex` file which contains a...
Can you try adding humbug to your local composer file and check if that works? I noticed that when I use the globally installed version of humbug I sometimes get...
You can either refactor the function so that you remove any mutations that would result in an infinite loop, or you can ignore mutations that create infinite loops. Humbug has...
I don't think that scenario could happen in the way Humbug is written. For each mutation Humbug starts a new child process (see [here]( so that it is completely separated...
Hmm yeah, there are probably quite a few edge cases that couldn't be solved using the timeout etc. However whenever you encounter such an edge case it is probably not...