
Results 7 issues of Mark24

crop | Boolean | 'server' | Crop image option crop这边源代码里,接受Boolean和 String, 而我出错就在于,看到了Boolean,直接 认为后面是错的。 觉得文档这边可以更新下,crop的选项写的清楚点

Gem document is incomplete and lack of examples.

Question:What does the color on the picture mean ? The colors don't seem to match the ones listed in Chrome's performance panel. So what is the color here saying?

刚开始遇到编译失败的问题 手动调整roadhog为 "roadhog": "^1.2.2" 页面终于正常运行 但是 users页面依然无效,报错信息如下 ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined Stack trace: request