Marius Merkle
Marius Merkle
@zundertj @leoliu0 Could you please fill in the blanks in the above function on how to add percentiles? Are there any plans to add the `percentiles` argument to the `.describe()`...
Bump. This is a really annoying inconsistency... do you have an idea on how to approach it? @alexander-beedie
I'm not sure, I don't have an "infinite recursion error" in my case. What would the solution be if they are duplicates?
Sorry, I cannot share the file due to data protection reasons. But the overall number of characters is ~7.5 billion (~133 Mio rows with each ~56 characters), so it get's...
The file was written with polars, yes. How can I get the number of row groups and data pages?
This would indeed be very helpful! For now, I would use pandas' function `df_pd = pd.read_xml()` to parse the XML file and then use `df_pl = pl.from_pandas(df_pd)`. What are alternatives?
Then it should be relatively easy to bring this to `polars`, what do you think?
As it is not supported yet, I just used the library [ElementTree]( to parse the `.xml` file. I then extracted value by value and just put them into a `pl.DataFrame()`...