Results 6 issues of MK

While current EPG is good for a single channel. It is not how people would decide what to watch when having multiple channels available. That's why I would suggest not...


Using "Rii Mini i25" remote control with my Linux HTPC noticed that arrows up and down are not quiet working the most intuitive way. If I select a channel from...

enhancement :magic_wand:
help wanted

Two things here: 1) EPG global timezone set would allow to make EPG show time according to my timezone. Currently all EPG channel data is like one hour behind my...

enhancement :magic_wand:

Hello, first of all - thank you for writing a simple and visually beautiful application we can use on Linux (and other platforms) to watch IPTV. Would be great that...

enhancement :magic_wand:

Hello, i was not able to find a way how to disallow all kinds of bullet points etc. I am looking for a way to get pure paragraphs with linkify...


What is the way to exclude a pagaination from certain pages? What i am trying to do is to have pagination for all level 2 and deeper pages, not the...