Mario Domínguez López

Results 17 issues of Mario Domínguez López

## Description This PR brings a bugfix when asserting `AUTOMATIC` `MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT` liveliness kinds. In the scenario of having a participant with two datareaders (each of them with a lease duration...


## Description This PR addresses the regressions described in [20608]( and [20610]( One has to do with catching an out of bounds exception and the other with fixing the regex...


## Description This PR introduces a fix in `PDPSimple` for avoiding dense initial transient discovery traffic. Those changes were introduced in #1996. The current behavior is that the own Data(P)...

This PR extends the `@key` annotation documentation.

## Description @Mergifyio backport 2.13.x ## Contributor Checklist - [X] Commit messages follow the project guidelines. - [X] The code follows the style guidelines of this project. - [X] Tests...


## Description This PR updates `Fast CDR thirdparty submodule` to `v1.0.28` ## Contributor Checklist - [X] Commit messages follow the project guidelines. - [X] The code follows the style guidelines...

## Description This PR forwards a refactor from the work in #1657 to `master`. In addition, it solves a name collision error with the variable name `INTERFACE`. When importing `windows.h`...


This PR intends to add the Secure Discovery Server (with all security protections enabled a.k.a Sv2.1_SP;Cv2.1_SP) Test Suite, which basically runs all the existing test-case scenarios with a new properties.xml...

In order to avoid a compilation issue with `clang` #184 a refactor of EntityKind::DOMAIN with EntityKind::DOMAIN_ENTITY. This implies an API Break.

This PR adds the PR template and `` to `Fast DDS Gen` repo in order to comply with our branching model. Note: Forward port to `4.0.x-devel`, Backport to `3.2.x`, `2.5.x`...