@Ron-Lavi Can you take a look? :)
Thanks @ares! Technically the select width is max 880px so it wont be the full width in wide screens. And there is no other pf guideline that I know of....
@Ron-Lavi - Thanks, fixed some of the failing tests, the rest look unrelated
@Ron-Lavi Rebased, test failures dont look related
test failure related, fixing ``` Failure: [2022-07-26T09:09:54.353Z] AccessPermissionsTest#test_0289_route permissions/index should have a permission that grants access [/home/jenkins/workspace/foreman-pr-katello-test/foreman/test/unit/shared/access_permissions_test_base.rb:33] [2022-07-26T09:09:54.353Z] Minitest::Assertion: permission for permissions/index not found, check access_permissions.rb. [2022-07-26T09:09:54.353Z] Expected [] to...
@Ron-Lavi fixed the test failure
@adamruzicka any more things needed in this pr?
do not merge- this issue is still not resolved, fixing
The above issue is resolved
Thanks @adamruzicka! fixed, could you take a look at the ruby part? the issue was that the locked roles are shown in the dropdown, but users cant really edit them...