Marc van der Sluys

Results 5 comments of Marc van der Sluys

@karlicoss You suggest to do so in the README, but **how** can I use a GitHub token in org-sync?

I thought that was for user name and password, and I guess I was confused that there is a separate variable for GitLab, but with some trial and error I...

I apologise in advance for asking a stupid question, but I've been trying to convert `OrgDateClock`, `OrgDateClosed`, `OrgDateScheduled`, etc objects to datetime objects, but can't seem to figure it out....

Yes it does - I'm an idiot. I tried that before, but got an error. Turns out that was on a headline without completion date befor I got to the...

I tried that, but my sphere looks like a sphere with 'equal' (left) and like an ellipsoid with 'auto' (right). How can I tell 'auto' to use equal scaling for...