- **Describe the scope of your change--i.e. what the change does and what parts of the code were modified.** This will help us understand any risks of integrating the code....
NeoPXL8 Library on RP2040 instantiates a NeoPixel object which claims an unnecessary state machine
- Arduino board: **INSERT ARDUINO BOARD NAME/TYPE HERE** Raspberry Pi Pico - Arduino IDE version (found in Arduino -> About Arduino menu): **INSERT ARDUINO VERSION HERE** Arduino IDE 2.0.4 -...
- Arduino board: **INSERT ARDUINO BOARD NAME/TYPE HERE** Raspberry Pi Pico - Arduino IDE version (found in Arduino -> About Arduino menu): **INSERT ARDUINO VERSION HERE** Arduino IDE 2.0.4 -...
- **Describe the scope of your change--i.e. what the change does and what parts of the code were modified.** This will help us understand any risks of integrating the code....