This code produces an infinite interval, which is reported to have length 2. In> FromString("<OMOBJ><OMA><OMS cd=\\"interval1\\" name=\\"integer_interval\\"/><OMI>50</OMI><OMS cd=\\"nums1\\" name=\\"infinity\\"/></OMA></OMOBJ> ")OMRead() Out> 50..Infinity In> Length(%) Out> 2 If the extremes of...
The OpenMath standard requires that an OpenMath object starts with the `` tag. However, some OpenMath implementations ( , , ) produce objects without that tag. Hence...
This is the opposite of #300 Let's consider an OpenMath object unknown to Yacas: ``` ``` if this object is converted to Yacas, then a dummy object `yacasform` is created,...
It would be nice if someone with experience of Yacas writes some examples in [](, in order to present the capabilities of Yacas
It would be useful to have the conversion using OpenMath also for polynomials, in particular, I would like to have at least the conversion from OpenMath to Yacas of the...
Please check that the entries about yacas in the wikipedia page []( are correct and up-to-date