Marcel Parciak
Marcel Parciak
Great, I would like to work on that then. The ANTLR grammar will surely be really helpful for that, thanks @trungdong (and @TomasKulhanek of course). I just forked the repo...
Quick question regarding testing: is there a pattern on how to create test files that can be found under tests/rdf for example? My approach would be to just copy the...
Quite some time that I have pushed to my forked repo, therefore I am giving you an update via this issue: Right now, the antlr-grammar seems to be erroneous in...
Hey, after quite a while I finally had some spare time to spend for this. I modified the grammar a little bit (basically just reordered some rules), now it seems...
I do: running `test_entity_with_multiple_attribute` fails. Both outputs are almost identical: Parsed data from a debug print: ``` document prefix ex prefix ex_1 entity(ex:emov, [ex:v_0="un lieu", ex:v_1="un lieu"@fr, ex:v_2="a place"@en, ex:v_3=1,...
Oh my, I completely lost track of this issue, thanks for the reminder @pohutukawa ! I will rebase later today and give a status update; If I recall correctly, I...
I am back at finding out how antlr4 works (any help is appreciated!). For reasons I do not yet understand, langtags and some int_literals will fail to parse, which gives...
I can confirm the same happens with 'pure conda'. Also, the version is older by quite a bit compared to an installation with pip. A very lazy workaround to use...