Marcel Garus

Results 43 comments of Marcel Garus

Just to highlight another use-case, this doesn't work right now: ```dart class MyIcon { const MyIcon._(int codePoint) : outlined = IconData( codePoint, fontFamily: 'MyIconsOutlinedRounded', fontPackage: 'this_package', ), filled = IconData(...

For a more lightweight alternative to `built_value`, which will be syntactically closer to possible language-level data classes, I implemented a package [`data_classes`]( Basically, you write a mutable class (like `MutableUser`)...

Generally, you cannot generate extension constructors and that's a fine decision. Maybe it would be possible to make an exception to that rule for data classes? It would be great...

I fixed this by adding `C:\src\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin` in my path.

When invoking the native method `enqueue` with the arguments `{url:, saved_dir: /data/user/0/vn.hunghd.example/app_flutter, file_name: null, headers: , show_notification: true, open_file_from_notification: true, requires_storage_not_low: true}`, I'm getting the following error: ``` I/flutter...

I temporarily fixed this error with the help of @JonasWanke. The issue was that on Android, the package only supports saving to external directories, not to app directories. That's probably...

Ohhh I see. I'm not experienced with native Android and didn't know that limitation exists, but it makes sense. We should probably document that behavior in the API as well.

In the related issue in our app (, @JonasWanke mentioned that it's possible to store downloaded files in your app's private directory and grant other apps temporary read access to...

Of course! In Dart, most of the time, asynchronous operations are the way to go. So, on any `DownloadTask`, you'll be able to just call `task.updates` to receive a `Stream`...

There are some minor issues left in the PR Especially if you have macOS tooling and have some spare time, feel very welcome to look at the code from...