Marc Trey
Marc Trey
you want this code to run on a `rpi` : I have not tried that.. project is old but should still work as is , you may need to update...
Hello Derek, I have just build head using the provided script, there are some minors changes in tensorflow/BUILD : set s3 support to false (was getting some undefined reference to...
will make a clean patch this weekend , already out of time here :) you can simply edit the *tensorflow/workspace.bzl* file and replace all with_s3_support with : ``` - define_values...
building protobuf for the host is expected
here is the correct structure `picopi` platform definition in `.dinghy/dinghy.toml` ``` [platforms.picopi] rustc_triple='armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' ``` and the overlay for the platform `picopi` `find .dinghy/overlay/picopi` ```.dinghy/overlay/picopi .dinghy/overlay/picopi/tensorflow .dinghy/overlay/picopi/tensorflow/tensorflow.pc .dinghy/overlay/picopi/tensorflow/ ```
the sysroot is required only for the crates where `TARGET_SYSROOT` need to be defined , mostly when a configure script is involved :
note: the msvc targets depend on the msvc linker but `link.exe` was not found note: please ensure that VS 2013, VS 2015, VS 2017 or VS 2019 was installed with...