Marc Roizman
Marc Roizman
Kung-Fu Capture currently doesn't have any representation in the Ranked map pool, and I think Gobi would be the best map to add. In the KFC survey I did awhile...
Bows behave very strangely when someone has on boots with the speed attribute. The arrow looks like it fires from lower on your body, it's kinda of difficult to describe...perhaps...
Sometimes on Foundry, the spawn drop won't negate fall damage and the player dies because of the 100+ block fall. I'm not sure what causes this or whether it's completely... The lack of a map.png makes look kind of strange when it's playing.
Several kits in GS use spawn eggs (such as the wolf tamer one), and spawn eggs appear to be broken now. Clicking with them doesn't do anything, they just stay... This page contains nearly 40 pages of maps, the majority of which aren't ranked maps. It appears to just be the same as the generic page.
On the arcade just now, it moved the 4 of us who were on an arcade server onto another arcade server that already had 4 people playing Wool Story Bro....
I joined the arcade queue when it said 3/4 players, and when I right clicked I wasn't sent to the server, but the other players were. Instead I got the...