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Database of CPU Opcodes

Results 8 Opcodes issues
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This isn't a question regarding the functionality of the tool but rather about the generation of the XML files in the first place. I suppose you didn't write it by...

README gets additional "getting started" section. New "examples" folder supposed to contains some useful code snippets to complement brief "getting started". Note: it would be nice to add more examples....


We're mixing two different formatting techniques in Python [here](https://github.com/Maratyszcza/Opcodes/blob/master/opcodes/x86_64.py#L903-L904): ``` def __str__(self): return "0x%02X".format(self.byte) ```

**Description:** **Issue Description:** The current configuration file format in use shows signs of being outdated, potentially hindering the project's adaptability and distancing it from modern Python development practices. To address...

im trying to build b606dded8508b3f0e2deb2a663ceda8467f2566d but the build fails with ``` File "/build/source/codegen/x86_64.py", line 1119, in main instruction_form_init(code, instruction_form, instruction_subforms, File "/build/source/codegen/x86_64.py", line 786, in instruction_form_init for (flags, encoding_lambda) in...

### Note: - **Version Setting:** This change will now read the version from the `opcodes.__version__` variable to ensure consistency in versioning across the codebase. - **README Update:** This change also...